complete, watertight installation. Minimize exposed fastening of
flashings. On sloped planes, form flashing lap joints to shed water and
provide sealant within the lap area. Laps joints shall have minimum 100 mm
(4 inch) overlap except where greater overlap is indicated, or otherwise
required by the roof panel manufacturer. For butt joints of flashings,
provide joint splice and cover plates supplemented by waterproof sealants
and sealant tapes to form a watertight joint condition. Ensure firm
underlying support for joints greater than 200 mm (8 inches) wide and where
otherwise indicated or required by the roof panel manufacturer.
Installation shall allow for expansion and contraction of flashing without
impacting watertight integrity.
Exposed Fastener Installation
Where exposed fastening is required, provide fastener spacings in
accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, in straight lines and to
present a uniform appearance. Drive fasteners normal to surface and to
uniform depth to seat washers with gaskets without tearing or cracking
gasketing material. Exercise extreme care when drilling pilot hole for
fastenings to keep drills perpendicular and centered. After drilling,
remove metal filings and burrs from holes prior to installing fasteners and
washers. Torque used when applying fasteners shall not exceed that
recommended by manufacturer. Remove metal shavings and filings from roofs
upon completion to prevent rusting and discoloration of panels.
Do not permit storing, walking, wheeling, and trucking directly on applied
roofing materials. Provide temporary walkways, runways, and platforms of
smooth clean boards or planks as necessary to avoid damage to applied
roofing materials, and to distribute weight to conform to indicated live
load limits of roof construction.
NOTE: Include optional last sentence for steel
panels in salt spray environment (i.e., within 150 m
or 500 feet of waterfront) and other corrosive
Clean exposed sheet metal work at completion of installation. Remove metal
shavings, filings, nails, bolts, and wires from roofs. Remove grease and
oil films, excess sealants, handling marks, contamination from steel wool,
fittings and drilling debris and scrub the work clean. Exposed metal
surfaces shall be free of dents, creases, waves, scratch marks, solder or
weld marks, and damage to the finish coating. Touch up scratches in panel
finish with manufacturer supplied touch-up paint system to match panel
finish. [Treat exposed cut edges with manufacturer supplied clear coat.]
Where any form of deficiency is found, additional measures shall be taken
as deemed necessary by the Contracting Officer to determine the extent of
the deficiency and corrective actions shall be as directed by the
Contracting Officer.
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