metal roofing panels will drain outside of the building envelope.
Slip Sheet
NOTE: Include first bracketed option when
underlayment is used. Include second bracketed
option when underlayment is omitted over deck
substrate (e.g., shed roof over plywood decking).
[Apply specified slip sheet at time of roof panel installation when felt or
other underlayment is used that may be in direct contact with and adhere to
or adversely impact the underside of roof panels, and as otherwise
recommended by the roof panel manufacturer.][Install slip sheet over deck
substrates prior to roof panel installation.]
Apply roofing panels with longitudinal configurations in the direction of
the roof slope. Provide roofing panels in unbroken lengths from peak to
low point with no transverse joints except at junction of ventilators,
curbs, skylights, chimneys, and similar openings, unless otherwise
indicated or approved by the Contracting Officer. Where panel end laps are
required, form and install to shed water and seal in a watertight manner as
roof panels in the manner, type and frequency required by the roof panel
manufacturer and to resist required wind uplift pressures. Close panel
ribs or side laps as required by the manufacturer to meet specified
requirements. Lay side laps away from prevailing wind. Side and end lap
distances, joint sealing, and fastening and spacing of fasteners shall be
in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Flash seal roof at ridge,
eaves, rakes, and at projections through roof. All sheet metal laps,
including but not limited to panel [side laps] end laps, flashing laps and
junctures at accessories and penetrations flashings, shall be sealed
watertight within the lap area. Closure strips, flashing, and sealing
material shall be provided as indicated and where otherwise necessary to
provide complete weathertight construction.
Field Forming of Roof Panels
Roll forming equipment shall be maintained in proper working order and
operated by a factory trained technician. Field formed panels shall meet
required, rollformer equipment certification shall be provided. In cold
weather conditions, warming of the steel coils to be field formed shall be
performed as necessary just prior to the rolling operations.
NOTE: Coordinate flashing requirements with Section
07600 and details. Ensure Section 07600 is properly
edited for application to the metal roofing system
and for inclusion of flashing conditions of the
Provide all flashings, related closures, and accessories necessary for a
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