Water vapor transmission
wall fire test
[Water penetration]
[Water resistance]
[Full scale or intermediate scale fire test]
Surface Burning Characteristics
Radiant heat
[Wind load]
SD-07 Certificates
Qualifications of EIFS Manufacturer
Qualification of EIFS Installer
Qualification of Sealant Applicator
Certify that EIFS installer meets requirements specified under
paragraph "Qualification of Installer," and that sealant
applicator is approved by the EIFS Manufacturer.
Qualifications of Third Party Inspector
Inspection Check List; G
Submit filled-out inspection check list as required in paragraph
"Quality Control," certifying that the installation of critical
items meets the requirements of this specification.
SD-08 Manufacturer's Instructions
Manufacturer's standard printed instructions for the installation
of the EIFS. Include requirements for condition and preparation
of substrate, installation of EIFS, and requirements for sealants
and sealing.
SD-10 Operation and Maintenance Data
regarding compatibility of sealants with base and finish coatings.
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