Accessory Installation
Adjusting Plates
Install as shown on shop drawings.
End Closures
Provide end closure to close open ends of cells at columns, walls, and
openings in deck.
Closures Above Partitions
NOTE: Coordinate options in paragraphs entitled
"Partition Enclosures" and "Closures Above
Partitions." When a suspended acoustical ceiling is
provided below the metal deck, the closures above
partitions may be eliminated for acoustical purposes
provided the acoustical properties of the ceiling
are adequate to restrict sound transmission to a
level consistent with the facility design criteria.
Provide for closing voids between cells over partitions that are
perpendicular to direction of cells. Provide a one-piece closure strip for
partitions 100 mm 4 inches nominal or less in thickness and two-piece
closure strips for wider partitions. [Provide sheet metal closures above
fire-rated partitions at both sides of partition with space between filled
with fiberglass insulation.] [Provide flexible rubber closures above
acoustic-rated partitions at both sides of partition with space between
filled with blanket insulation.]
Cover Plates
[Provide metal cover plates, or joint tape, at joints between cellular
decking sheets to be used as electrical raceways.] [Where concrete leakage
would be a problem, provide metal cover plates, or joint tape, at joints
between decking sheets, cellular or noncellular, to be covered with
concrete fill.]
Column Closures
NOTE: Delete this paragraph if steel floor decks
are not included.
Provide for spaces between floor decking and columns which penetrate the
deck. Field cut closure plate to fit column in the field and tack weld to
decking and columns.
Access Hole Covers
Provide to seal holes cut in decking to facilitate welding of decking to
structural supports.
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