Steel Joists
Certificates stating that the steel joists [and joist girders]
have been designed and manufactured in accordance with SJI Specs &
Tables. Complete engineering design computations may be submitted
in lieu of the certification.
NOTE: The structural steel design must meet the
requirements of OSHA Steel Erection Standard, 29 CFR
Part 1926, Subpart R-Steel Erection, Effective Date
January 18, 2002.
Drawings will show size, spacing and method of
anchoring. Size will be indicated by reference to
appropriate SJI designations. Mechanical and
electrical layout drawings and specifications for
ceiling suspensions should contain notes indicating
that hanger loads between panel points in excess of
222 N (50 pounds) shall have the excess hanger loads
suspended from panel points. When joists or girders
are to be designed to resist uplift and/or lateral
forces, such joists and girders and the forces they
must resist will be indicated on the drawings.
Also, proper anchorages and bracings will be
designed to resist those forces, as required.
The standard joist tables cannot be used verbatim
when the depth of the joist is reduced near the ends
to accommodate two-way top chord slopes in excess of
10 mm per meter (l/8 inch per foot). Before using
standard designations for these joists, the designer
must verify the adequacy of the joist members.
Steel joists [and joist girders] are designated on the drawings in
accordance with the standard designations of the Steel Joist Institute.
Joists of other standard designations or joists with properties other than
those shown may be substituted for the joists designated provided the
structural properties are equal to or greater than those of the joists
shown and provided all other specified requirements are met.
Materials shall be delivered to the site in undamaged condition and stored
off the ground in a well drained location, protected from damage, and
easily accessible for inspection and handling.
Open web steel joists shall conform to SJI Specs & Tables, K-Series.
Joists shall be designed to support the loads given in the standard load
tables of SJI Specs & Tables.
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