Common Grade Bolts
ASTM A 307 bolts shall be tightened to a "snug tight" fit. "Snug tight" is
the tightness that exists when plies in a joint are in firm contact. If
firm contact of joint plies cannot be obtained with a few impacts of an
impact wrench, or the full effort of a man using a spud wrench, contact the
Contracting Officer for further instructions.
High-Strength Bolts
NOTE: The four bolt tightening methods currently
allowed by AISC will provide acceptable results if
bolt assemblies are kept free of dirt and rust, if
properly lubricated, and if proper installation
procedures are followed. Because these conditions
are rarely encountered during normal construction,
use only direct tension indicator tightening methods
where slip critical connections are required.
NOTE: Include bracketed item for all jobs and
delete the first sentence of the paragraph. Slip
critical connections must be identified on the
ASTM A 325M ASTM A 325 and ASTM A 490M ASTM A 490 bolts shall be fully
tensioned to 70 percent of their minimum tensile strength. [Provide load
indicator bolts or washers in all [ASTM A 325M ASTM A 325M] [or] [ASTM A
490M ASTM A 490] bolted connections, except provide only load indicator
washers for slip critical connections. Direct tension indicator
tightening, [, or installation of alternate design fasteners,] shall be the
only acceptable tightening methods. Use only direct tension indicator
tightening for slip critical connections.] Bolts shall be installed in
connection holes and initially brought to a snug tight fit. After the
initial tightening procedure, bolts shall then be fully tensioned,
progressing from the most rigid part of a connection to the free edges.
Installation of Load Indicator Washers (LIW)
ASTM F 959M ASTM F 959. Where possible, the LIW shall be installed under
the bolt head and the nut shall be tightened. If the LIW is installed
adjacent to the turned element, provide a flat ASTM F 436M ASTM F 436
washer between the LIW and nut when the nut is turned for tightening, and
between the LIW and bolt head when the bolt head is turned for tightening.
In addition to the LIW, provide flat ASTM F 436M ASTM F 436 washers under
both the bolt head and nut when ASTM A 490M ASTM A 490 bolts are used.
NOTE: For jobs in Iceland, in lieu of AWS welders
and inspectors, use "Technological Institute of
Iceland" certified welders and inspectors.
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