requirements of CMAA 70 shall govern. In addition, provide a maximum
vertical difference of 0.8 mm 0.03 inch in the elevation between adjacent
runway rail tops and adjacent runway beam tops at joints. Provide
adjustable runway support connections to allow placement of the crane rails
and beams to the tolerances specified. Stagger runway rail joints a
minimum of one foot, except that the stagger shall not be the same as the
crane wheel spacing.
NOTE: For low-rise structural steel buildings, the
designer must design the structure to be erected in
accordance with AISC 810.
Erection of structural steel, except as indicated in item b.
below, shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of [
AISC 316] [AISC 325] [endorsement F of AISC FCD]. Erection plan
shall be reviewed, stamped and sealed by a licensed structural
For low-rise structural steel buildings (18 m 60 feet tall or less
and a maximum of 2 stories), the erection plan shall conform to
AISC 303 and the structure shall be erected in accordance withAISC
NOTE: Good design practice provides most
connections and members with proper drainage. If
ponding of water cannot be avoided, specify a
waterproofing material to suit the job's specific
Provide for drainage in structural steel. After final positioning of steel
members, provide full bearing under base plates and bearing plates using
nonshrink grout. Place nonshrink grout in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions.
Material shall be stored out of contact with the ground in such manner and
NOTE: Use AISC 335 for designs using AISC 316 and
AISC 317 (allowable stress), and use AISC 350 for
designs using AISC 325 (load and resistance factor).
Except as modified in this section, connections not detailed shall be
designed in accordance with [AISC 335] [AISC 350]. Build connections into
existing work. Do not tighten anchor bolts set in concrete with impact
torque wrenches. Punch, subpunch and ream, or drill bolt [and pin] holes.
Bolts, nuts, and washers shall be clean of dirt and rust, and lubricated
immediately prior to installation.
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