stress. The expense for removing and testing coupons, repairing cut
members and the nondestructive examination of repairs shall be borne by the
Government or the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Clauses
Supplemental Examination
When the soundness of any weld is suspected of being deficient due to
faulty welding or stresses that might occur during shipment or erection the
Government reserves the right to perform nondestructive supplemental
examinations before final acceptance. The cost of such inspection will be
borne by the Government.
Structural Steel Welding Repairs
Defective welds in the structural steel welding repairs shall be repaired
in accordance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M, Subsection 3.7. Defective weld metal
shall be removed to sound metal by use of air carbon-arc or oxygen gouging.
Oxygen gouging shall not be used on ASTM A 514/A 514M steel. The surfaces
shall be thoroughly cleaned before welding. Welds that have been repaired
shall be retested by the same methods used in the original inspection.
Except for the repair of members cut to remove test coupons and found to
have acceptable welds costs of repairs and retesting shall be borne by the
Inspection and Testing of Steel Stud Welding
NOTE: Provisions for radiographic inspection of
castings should be limited to castings upon which
the structural integrity of the structure is
dependent. The drawings should indicate which
castings and what areas are to be radiographed.
Fabrication and verification inspection and testing of steel stud welding
shall conform to the requirements of AWS D1.1/D1.1M, Subsection 7.8 except
as otherwise specified. The Contracting Officer will serve as the
verification inspector. One stud in every 100 and studs that do not show a
full 360 degree weld flash, have been repaired by welding or whose
reduction in length due to welding is less than normal shall be bent or
torque tested as required by AWS D1.1/D1.1M, Subsection 7.8. If any of
these studs fail two additional studs shall be bent or torque tested. If
either of the two additional studs fail all of the studs represented by the
tests shall be rejected. Studs that crack under testing in either the
weld, base metal or shank shall be rejected and replaced by the Contractor
at no additional cost.
Inspection of Steel Castings
NOTES: Radiographic inspection of castings should
be limited to castings upon which the structural
integrity of the structure is dependent. The
drawings should indicate which castings and what
areas are to be radiographed.
Insert applicable type and severity level in the
bracketed spaces of the table in this paragraph.
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