any degree of incomplete fusion, inadequate penetration or undercutting.
Welds to be Subject to Nondestructive Examination
NOTE: List here the type, location and extent of
welds to be subject to nondestructive examination.
The welds so listed should also be shown using the
appropriate designation of AWS A2.4 "Standard
Symbols for Welding, Brazing and Nondestructive
Complete nondestructive examination of welds should
be limited to welds upon which the structure is
dependent. Spot nondestructive examination of welds
should be used to ensure adequate welding quality
and water tightness of seams where required.
Ultrasonic testing should be used for groove welds
Radiographic or ultrasonic testing should be used
Magnetic particle inspection may be used for the
detection of cracks and other discontinuities at or
near the surface of root and surface passes and
intermediate layers not exceeding 6 mm (1/4 inch)
Dye penetrant inspection should be used only for
detection of discontinuities that are open to the
This paragraph shall be omitted where nondestructive
examination is covered in other sections of the
Test Coupons
NOTE: For supply contracts a provision similar to
that given under contract clauses should be written
into this paragraph.
The Government reserves the right to require the Contractor to remove
coupons from completed work when doubt as to soundness cannot be resolved
by nondestructive examination. Should tests of any two coupons cut from
the work of any welder show strengths less than that specified for the base
metal it will be considered evidence of negligence or incompetence and such
welder shall be removed from the work. When coupons are removed from any
part of a structure the members cut shall be repaired in a neat manner with
joints of the proper type to develop the full strength of the members.
Repaired joints shall be peened as approved or directed to relieve residual
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