applicable primarily to structural grade steel, low
carbon steel castings and aluminum. Where welding
of other grades of steel, castings or non-ferrous
metals is contemplated, the additional provisions
necessary for the welding of these particular metals
should be inserted.
Welding of Structural Steel
a. Welding Procedures for Structural Steel - Welding procedures for
structural steel shall be prequalified as described in AWS D1.1/D1.1M,
Subsection 5.1 or shall be qualified by tests as prescribed in AWS
D1.1/D1.1M, Section 5. Properly documented evidence of compliance with
all requirements of these specifications for previous qualification
tests shall establish a welding procedure as prequalified. For welding
procedures qualified by tests, the test welding and specimen testing
must be witnessed and the test report document signed by the
Contracting Officer. Approval of any welding procedure will not
relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for producing a finished
structure meeting all requirements of these specifications. The
Contractor will be directed or authorized to make any changes in
previously approved welding procedures that are deemed necessary or
desirable by the Contractor Officer. The Contractor shall submit a
complete schedule of welding procedures for each steel structure to be
welded. The schedule shall conform to the requirements specified in
the provisions AWS D1.1/D1.1M, Sections 2, 3, 4, 7 and 9 and applicable
provisions of Section 10. The schedule shall provide detailed
procedure specifications and tables or diagrams showing the procedures
to be used for each required joint. Welding procedures must include
filler metal, preheat, interpass temperature and stress-relief heat
treatment requirements. Each welding procedure shall be clearly
identified as being prequalified or required to be qualified by tests.
Welding procedures must show types and locations of welds designated or
in the specifications to receive nondestructive examination.
b. Welding Process - Welding of structural steel shall be by an
atmosphere from the molten metal and shall conform to the applicable
provisions of AWS D1.1/D1.1M, Sections 1 thru 7, 9, 10 and 11. Welding
shall be such as to minimize residual stresses, distortion and
Welding Technique
NOTE: Vibratory type stress-relief treatment should
not be approved as an alternate stress relieving
means for applications covered by this specification.
(1) Filler Metal - The electrode, electrode-flux combination and
grade of weld metal shall conform to the appropriate AWS
specification for the base metal and welding process being used or
shall be as shown where a specific choice of AWS specification
allowables is required. The AWS designation of the electrodes to
be used shall be included in the schedule of welding procedures.
Only low hydrogen electrodes shall be used for manual shielded
metal-arc welding regardless of the thickness of the steel. A
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