mark and weight of each item, the number of items, the total weight, and
the car initial and number if shipped by rail in carload lots. Duplicate
copies of shipping bills shall be mailed promptly to [_____].
Structural Fabrication
Material must be straight before being laid off or worked. If
straightening is necessary it shall be done by methods that will not impair
the metal. Sharp kinks or bends shall be cause for rejection of the
material. Material with welds will not be accepted except where welding is
definitely specified, indicated or otherwise approved. Bends shall be made
required, precautions shall be taken to avoid overheating the metal and it
shall be allowed to cool in a manner that will not impair the original
properties of the metal. Proposed flame cutting of material other than
structural steel shall be subject to approval and shall be indicated on
shall be neatly finished. Corners shall be square and true unless
otherwise shown. Re-entrant cuts shall be filleted to a minimum radius of
19 mm 3/4 inch unless otherwise approved. Finished members shall be free
of twists, bends and open joints. Bolts, nuts and screws shall be tight.
Dimensional Tolerances for Structural Work
Dimensions shall be measured by an approved calibrated steel tape of
approximately the same temperature as the material being measured. The
overall dimensions of an assembled structural unit shall be within the
tolerances indicated on the drawings or as specified in the particular
section of these specifications for the item of work. Where tolerances are
not specified in other sections of these specifications or shown, an
allowable variation of 1 mm 1/32 inch is permissible in the overall length
of component members with both ends milled and component members without
milled ends shall not deviate from the dimensions shown by not more than 2
mm 1/16 inch for members 9 m 30 feet or less in length and by more than 3
mm 1/8 inch for members over 9 m 30 feet in length.
Structural Steel Fabrication
Structural steel may be cut by mechanically guided or hand-guided torches,
provided an accurate profile with a surface that is smooth and free from
cracks and notches is obtained. Surfaces and edges to be welded shall be
prepared in accordance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M, Subsection 3.2. Where
structural steel is not to be welded, chipping or grinding will not be
required except as necessary to remove slag and sharp edges of mechanically
guided or hand-guided cuts not exposed to view. Hand-guided cuts which are
to be exposed or visible shall be chipped, ground or machined to sound
Structural Aluminum Fabrication
Laying out and cutting of aluminum shall be in accordance with the AA ADM1,
Section 6.
NOTE: The welding requirements provided are
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