between partitions and structural or exterior walls as shown. Interior
partitions having 100 mm 4 inch nominal thick units shall be tied to
intersecting partitions of 100 mm 4 inch units, 125 mm 5 inches into
partitions of 150 mm 6 inch units, and 175 7 inches into partitions of 200
mm 8 inch or thicker units. Cells within vertical plane of ties shall be
filled solid with grout for full height of partition or solid masonry units
may be used. Interior partitions having masonry walls over 100 mm 4 inches
thick shall be tied together with joint reinforcement. Partitions
containing joint reinforcement shall be provided with prefabricated pieces
at corners and intersections or partitions.
NOTE: Adjustable joint reinforcement assemblies may
be used at locations of low seismic activity where
the design wind speed is less than 160 km/hour (100
mph); designer must follow the guidance provided in
TI 809-04 Seismic Design for Buildings for any
seismic design. Adjustable assemblies are normally
used when constructing one wythe independent of the
other. If the design does not permit this type of
construction, delete the reference pertaining to
adjustable joint reinforcement assemblies. The
preferred method of construction, however, is to
bring the wythes up together. Typically, continuous
joint reinforcement is used to tie the two wythes
together as well as providing for shrinkage cracking
control. Continuous joint reinforcement, used as
wall ties, will typically be spaced not over 400 mm
(16 inches) on center vertically. Spacing of joint
reinforcement will be shown on the contract drawings.
The inner and outer wythes shall be completely separated by a continuous
airspace as shown on the drawings. Both the inner and the outer wythes
shall be laid up together except when adjustable joint reinforcement
assemblies are approved for use. When both wythes are not brought up
together, through-wall flashings shall be protected from damage until they
are fully enclosed in the wall. The airspace between the wythes shall be
kept clear and free of mortar droppings by temporary wood strips laid on
the wall ties and carefully lifted out before placing the next row of ties.
A coarse gravel or drainage material shall be placed behind the weep holes
in the cavity to a minimum depth of 100 mm 4 inches of coarse aggregate or
250 mm 10 inches of drainage material to keep mortar droppings from
plugging the weep holes.
NOTE: Include weep holes and dampproofing
requirements in geographic areas where these are
acceptable practices. Specify dampproofing in
Division 7 of the project specification for projects
utilizing concrete masonry unit interior wythe
cavity walls. Now that masonry wall cavities are
usually at least half full of rigid board
insulation, and the backup wythe is usually complete
before the brickwork is started, the wood strip
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