For brick-faced walls [bond the two wythes in every sixth brick course with
continuous horizontal joint reinforcement.] [bond brick in the pattern as
indicated on the drawings.] Provide additional bonding ties spaced not
more than one meter 3 feet apart around the perimeter of and within 300 mm
12 inches of all openings.
Collar Joints: Fill collar joints solid with mortar as each
course of brick is laid. Do not disturb units in place.
Brick Sills: Lay brick on edge, slope, and project not less than
13 mm 1/2 inch beyond the face of the wall to form a wash and
drip. Fill all joints solidly with mortar and tool.
Cavity Walls
NOTE: Include weep holes and dampproofing
requirements in geographic areas where these are
acceptable practices. Specify dampproofing for
projects utilizing concrete masonry unit interior
wythe cavity walls. Now that masonry wall cavities
are usually at least half full of rigid board
insulation, and the backup wythe is usually complete
before the brickwork is started, the wood strip
method of keeping the cavities clean is neither
practicable nor effective. The specified method for
concrete masonry unit and brick cavity wall is
effective, but may be deleted if the specifier is
reluctant to require it. Care must be taken (1) to
prevent damage to mortar joints, especially adjacent
to the washout holes, and (2) to prevent
accumulation of water at the bottom of the wall.
The cavities must be inspected to verify that they
are clean and functional.
For SOUTHNAVFACENGCOM projects, use second bracketed
statement in the eighth sentence.
Provide a continuous cavity as indicated. Securely tie the two wythes
together with horizontal joint reinforcement. Bevel mortar beds away from
cavity to prevent projection into cavity when bricks are shoved in place.
Keep cavities clear and clean of mortar droppings. [At the bottom of
cavity walls, in the course immediately above the through-wall flashing,
temporarily omit one brick every 1200 mm 4 feet. With a hose and clean
water, wash all mortar droppings and debris out of the cavity through the
temporary openings at least twice each day masonry is laid, and more often
when required to keep the cavities clean. Fill in the openings with bricks
and mortar after the wall is complete and the cavity has been inspected and
found clean.] Provide weep holes of open head joints spaced 600 mm 24
inches o.c. [wherever the cavity is interrupted] [at base of wall and
vertical obstructions (e.g. lintels)]. [Cavity face of interior wythe
shall be dampproofed in accordance with Section 07112N BITUMINOUS
Reinforced Brick Walls
Provide two wythes of brick separated by a [_____] mm inch wide continuous
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