with ASTM C 109/C 109M.
a. Moist-Curing Inspections - At least once each shift, and once per
day on nonwork days, inspect all areas subject to moist curing. Note
and record the surface moisture condition.
b. Membrane-Curing Inspection - Do not apply curing compound until the
Contractor's authorized representative has verified that the compound
is properly mixed and ready for spraying. At the end of each
operation, estimate the quantity of compound used by measurement of the
container and the area of repair material surface covered and compute
the rate of coverage in square meters per liter square feet per gallon.
Note whether or not coverage is uniform.
c. Sheet-Curing Inspection - At least once each shift and once per day
on nonwork days, inspect all areas being cured using material sheets.
Note and record the condition of the covering and the tightness of the
laps and tapes.
Test gradation in accordance with ASTM C 136 and ASTM C 117. Determine the
percent passing the No. 200 sieve by washing in accordance with ASTM C 117.
Action Required
The placing foreman shall not permit placing to begin until he has verified
that appropriate placement, consolidation and finishing equipment, which
are in working order and have competent operators, are available.
Test a minimum of two adjacent anchors or dowels for each anchor or dowel
that fails.
Air Content
Whenever a test result is outside the specification limits, do not deliver
the concrete to the forms and adjust the dosage of the air-entrainment
Whenever a test result is outside the specification limits, do not deliver
the concrete to the forms and an adjustment should be made in the batch
weights of water and fine aggregate. The adjustments are to be made so
that the water-cementitious materials ratio does not exceed that specified
a. Moist-Curing Corrective Action - When a daily inspection report
lists an area of inadequate curing, take immediate corrective action,
and extend the required curing period for such areas by one (1) day.
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