Representative samples of existing concrete shall be taken from areas of
the structure to be repaired at indicated locations. The samples shall be
taken in accordance with ASTM C 42/C 42M and ASTM C 823 and tested in
accordance with ASTM C 39/C 39M, ASTM C 42/C 42M, ASTM C 295, ASTM C 457,
ASTM C 856, ASTM C 1218/C 1218M, [[and] [ASTM C 642] [ASTM C 114]] [and
ASTM C 1084]. Aggregates in the existing concrete shall be evaluated in
accordance with ASTM C 136 and ASTM C 295. The air content of the existing
concrete shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C 457 and ASTM C 642.
Acceptance of Cement
Cement for repair concrete and mortars shall be tested as prescribed in the
referenced specification under which it is furnished. Cement may be
accepted on the basis of mill tests and the manufacturer's certification of
compliance with the specification. The mill test reports and certification
of compliance shall clearly reference the applicable ASTM documents and
present the test result data. Cement shall conform to the specified
requirements, and where the cement consists of a blend of cement and
pozzolan, the pozzolan shall conform to the specified requirements for
pozzolan, and the blend of cement and pozzolan shall conform to ASTM C 1107
and all other specified requirements.
Aggregate samples for repair concrete and mortars for laboratory testing
shall be taken in conformance with ASTM D 75 and tested in accordance with
ASTM C 33, ASTM C 136, and ASTM C 295.
Epoxy-Resin Grout
Epoxy-resin grout shall be tested for conformance with ASTM C 881/C 881M.
Sample panels of each mixture proposed for use in the work shall be
submitted for approval. No concrete of mortar shall be used in the work
until the samples and the represented mixture has been approved. Materials
proposed for use in producing concrete and mortar shall not be brought on
Samples for each side of the structure shall be evaluated both close up and
at a distance under both wet and dry conditions. Each patch location and
each side of the structure may require a separate or different mixture.
Compressive Strength
Each class or mixture of concrete and mortar proposed for use in the work
shall have a 28-day compressive strength matching the compressive strength
of the adjacent existing concrete in the structure as determined by ASTM C
39/C 39M for concrete and ASTM C 109/C 109M for mortar. The compressive
strength of the existing concrete shall be determined from testing of
samples for each portion of the work in accordance with ASTM C 42/C 42M.
Test specimens of existing concrete shall be taken from a sound and intact
representative portion of the structure, at locations indicated.
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