between the mold and the concrete. The mold shall be designed to be
mortar-tight and to contain the concrete so that it can be fully
NOTE: Refer to the appropriate DM and the project
coordinator for filling in the correct dates and to
choose the optional sentences.
Placing Schedule
RCC Placement for the main structure shall start no later than [_____] and
no earlier than [_____]. Placement of all RCC shall be completed by
[_____]. Before starting RCC production, a detailed schedule shall be
submitted indicating intended daily and weekly production rates that, when
followed, will meet the beginning and ending specified RCC production
dates. After initiation of RCC production, the Contractor's schedule shall
be updated and adjusted on a weekly basis for the duration of the RCC
placement. If it becomes apparent for any reason that the Contractor is
not pursuing a schedule that will meet the specified RCC production dates,
actions necessary to increase the production rate shall be taken so that
production is once again on schedule, within [_____] calendar days after
written notice. Also, if not back on schedule by the end of the [_____]
days calendar period, the Government reserves the right at this time to
direct the Contractor, at no additional cost to the Government, to increase
the amount and size of crews and equipment.
RCC Orientation Session
Prior to or in conjunction with the construction of the RCC test section,
supervisors and all other Contractor personnel which are expected to
participate in the production of RCC for this job (including laborers,
equipment operators, foremen, and QC and inspection staff) shall
participate in a 2-hour orientation session organized by the Contracting
Officer. The Contractor shall provide a facility suitable for slide and
videotape presentation. The intent is to orient all individuals on the
goals of the RCC placement process, provide clarification of specification
requirements if requested, and be provided orientation as to what
will also be made available to, and shall be attended by, all new
Contractor personnel who are subsequently hired and that will be involved
with the production of the RCC.
Aggregate Production Schedule
NOTE: See the appropriate DM or the materials
engineer to fill in the blanks.
Aggregate production and initial stockpiling shall begin and shall be
producing acceptable material by not later than [_____] days in advance of
the time when placement of the RCC test section is expected to begin. At
least [_____] percent of all RCC aggregates for each size group necessary
for the completed RCC construction shall be manufactured and stockpiled
prior to start of placement of RCC for the permanent RCC structures.
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