Tampers (Rammers)
The tampers shall compact the RCC to the required density and shall be so
demonstrated during construction of the test section. Tampers cannot
compact the RCC to the same density and thickness as the primary rollers;
therefore, when tampers are used, thickness of each RCC layer that is to be
compacted shall be reduced to not more than 150 mm 6 inches uncompacted
thickness to assure adequate compaction.
Other Requirements
NOTE: See the concrete materials DM or the
materials engineer to fill in the blanks.
At least [_____] self-propelled vibratory rollers, at least [_____] small
rollers, and at least [_____] tampers meeting these requirements shall be
maintained full time at the site and ready for service at all times during
production and placement.
Truck-Mounted Vacuum Pickup System
A truck-mounted vacuum pickup system shall be provided for various cleanup
operations from the beginning of foundation cleanup to final placement of
job RCC. The unit(s) shall be capable of pumping 125 cubic meters 4,500
cubic feet of air per minute through an 200-mm 8-inch diameter opening and
capable of pumping water at a minimum rate of 125 L/s 2,000 gpm. The
equipment shall be maintained in good operating condition. The equipment
shall not leak cleanup water and other debris during equipment operation or
transit. The equipment shall not leak or drip oil, grease, or other
Other Motorized Equipment
All other equipment (backhoe with vibratory plate, backhoe with immersion
vibrators, backhoe with mandrel for inserting contraction joint plates,
wash trucks, etc.) necessary for the successful completion of RCC
production, but not previously discussed within these specifications (or
determined to be necessary during the course of the work), shall be
approved prior to actual use. Such equipment shall not result in any
damage to the RCC, shall be maintained in good operating condition, and
shall be operated by skilled contractor-provided personnel.
Nuclear Density Gauge
Tests to determine the density of both the uncompacted and compacted RCC
shall be made by the Contractor using a two-probe nuclear density gauge
supplied by the Contractor. The nuclear density gauge shall meet the
applicable requirements of ASTM C 1040. The gauge shall be capable of
taking readings along a horizontal path between the probes at 50-mm 2-inch
increments from 50 mm 2 inches from the surface to 600 mm 24 inches below
the surface. The gauge and operator shall be made available to the
Government until completion of all RCC production at no additional cost.
The Contractor shall obtain all permits and certifications for the
equipment and the operators.
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