NOTE: Drawings will show shape and span of units
and openings for mechanical and utility systems, and
for architectural purpose. To the maximum extent
possible, location of inserts, anchors, conduits,
etc., will be indicated.
In order to resist seismic forces, the concrete
topping must act as a diaphragm and the top of the
units must be roughened to achieve a bonded surface.
Roughening equivalent to the shear friction
requirements in AIC 318M (ACI 318/318R) to achieve a
friction factor of 1.0 is needed. The designer,
depending on the job geographical location and
following the guidance provided in TI 809-04 Seismic
Design for Buildings, must determine when to delete
the last sentence.
Fabrication of the units shall be in accordance with the requirements of
PCI MNL-116. Units shall be made available for inspection by the
Contracting Officer at the manufacturer's plant. Shape of units shall be
[single tees] [double tees] [hollow-core slabs] [solid flat slabs] as
indicated. Unit spans shall be as shown. Units shall be fabricated within
the dimensional tolerances given in PCI MNL-116. Inserts, anchor bolts,
bearing plates, and other embedded items shall be located as required or
indicated. Where required, units shall be marked to facilitate sequential
erection. Openings for mechanical and utility systems and for
architectural purpose shall be as shown. Prestressing eccentricity and
force applied shall be adjusted to the extent possible so that the camber
provided is the minimum amount needed to produce an approximate level slab
after dead loads are applied. Surfaces that will be concealed from view
shall be free of surface holes over 13 mm 1/2 inch in diameter. Surfaces
to receive subsequent applications other than painting shall be suitable
for the purpose intended and free of any coatings that would interfere with
adhesion or bond. Surfaces that will be painted or exposed to view shall
be smooth, free of form marks, and shall have surface blemishes filled and
finished to match adjoining concrete in color and texture. Top surfaces
which are to receive concrete topping shall be roughened to a full
amplitude of approximately 6 mm 1/4 inch.
Tests, as required by PCI MNL-116, shall be performed by an independent
testing laboratory or in the manufacturer's approved laboratory if the
manufacturer has a PCI certified plant with proof of current certification.
welding shall be in accordance with AWS D1.1/D1.1M. Installation of
equipment required by other trades shall be accomplished as the work
progresses if required by design. Field-cut openings for utilities
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