SD-06 Test Reports
Certified copies of test reports including all data and results
of tests performed as required by PCI MNL-116.
NOTE: PCI MNL-116 basically covers plant
fabrication of precast/prestressed concrete. All
altering these requirements will not be permitted
except for special circumstances to establish
critical job requirements and only when alteration
is economically justified.
Precast/prestressed units shall be produced under plant-controlled
conditions conforming to PCI MNL-116 by a firm certified under the PCI
precast/prestressed concrete floor and roof units and related services.
NOTE: The design of precast/prestressed concrete
units is normally the responsibility of the
manufacturer and, unless otherwise warranted, should
remain so to avoid contractual difficulties in
defining responsibilities.
Design of units shall be performed by structural analysis in accordance
with ACI 318M/318RM ACI 318/318R or PCI MNL-120 whichever is customary with
the fabricator. Structural analysis shall include evaluations of the
effects of connections, holes, discontinuities, concentrated loads, and
joints. Units shall be designed for the load conditions and spans
indicated and any additional loads imposed by openings; work of other
trades; concrete topping indicated; and all loading and restraining
conditions from fabrication, handling, and erection. The sum of the
immediate deflection due to live load and additional long-term deflection
shall not exceed the deflection limitations indicated. The design shall
compensate for the weight of the additional topping required by the camber
in order to achieve the minimum topping thickness used in the design.
Units shall be cured prior to delivery to the jobsite. Units shall be
stored off the ground and protected from soilage, marring, damage, or
overload. Stacked members shall be separated by battens across the full
width at bearing points.
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