selected on the basis of flexural strength [and toughness index] of 100 by
100 by 350 mm 4 by 4 by 14 inch beams sawed from test panels which are
fabricated in accordance with ASTM C 1140 and having minimum dimensions of
750 by 750 by 100 mm. 30 by 30 by 4 inches. Beams shall be continuously
moist cured until testing at [_____] days age. For mixture acceptance
purposes, the average flexural strength [and toughness index] of at least
three beams shall be not less than the flexural strength [and toughness
index] specified in paragraph FLEXURAL STRENGTH [and TOUGHNESS INDEX].]
NOTE: Compressive strength should be specified for
nonfiber-reinforced shotcrete and flexural strength
should be specified for fiber-reinforced shotcrete.
Consult EM 1110-2-2005 and the appropriate DM to
fill in blanks.
If a flexural toughness index requirement is deemed
necessary for fiber-reinforced shotcrete, the
minimum toughness index necessary for anticipated
service conditions should be specified. See EM
1110-2-2005 and ASTM C 1116 for guidance.
Final acceptance of the shotcrete will be based on [compressive] [flexural]
strength results obtained from [cores] [beams].
[Compressive Strength
The required compressive strength of cores shall not be less than [_____]
MPa psi at [_____] days age when tested in accordance with ASTM C 42/C 42M.
The average compressive strength of cores taken from the [structure] [test
panel], representing a shift or not more than 40 cubic meters 50 cubic yards
of shotcrete tested at [_____] days of age, shall equal or exceed the
required compressive strength specified with no individual core less than
85 percent of the required compressive strength. When the length of a core
is less than 1.94 times the diameter, the correction factors given in ASTM
C 42/C 42M will be applied to obtain the compressive strength of individual
[Flexural Strength
Fiber-reinforced shotcrete beams shall be obtained and tested in accordance
with ASTM C 1140 and shall have a flexural strength of not less than [_____]
MPa psi at [_____] days age.]
[Toughness Index
The toughness index, [I10] [I20], of fiber-reinforced shotcrete beams shall
be [_____] at [_____] days age when tested in accordance with ASTM C 1018.]
The Contractor shall submit a resume for each nozzleman certifying that
each has not less than 1 year's experience for the particular type of
shotcrete to be applied. The resume shall include company name, address,
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