MAXIMUM-SIZE COARSE AGGREGATE. Where the use of highway department
gradations are permitted, proposed gradations shall be submitted for
Concrete Aggregate Sources
NOTE: If an aggregate source is provided by the
Government, the appropriate paragraphs from
UFGS-03700 MASS CONCRETE should be used.
a. List of Sources - The concrete aggregates sources may be selected
from sources listed at the end of this section.
b. Selection of Source - After the award of the contract, the
Contractor shall designate in writing only one source or combination of
sources from which he proposes to furnish aggregates. If the
Contractor proposes to furnish aggregates from a source or from sources
not listed at the end of this section, he may designate only a single
source or single combination of sources for aggregates. Regardless of
the source, selected samples for acceptance testing shall be provided
as required by paragraph GOVERNMENT TESTING AND SAMPLING. If a source
for coarse or fine aggregates so designated by the Contractor does not
meet the quality requirements stated in paragraph QUALITY, the
Contractor may not submit for approval other non-listed sources but
shall furnish the coarse or fine aggregate, as the case may be, from
sources listed at the end of this section at no additional cost to the
NOTES: The tests selected should be those which are
applicable to the concrete to be used in the
project. These tests may include those in the
following list in addition to others not listed.
See EM 1110-2-2000 for schedule of tests.
A list of properties and test values are unique to
each project and should be taken from the concrete
materials design memorandum. Delete the quality
tests not required in the design memorandum.
The petrographic examination shall be used to
identify deleterious substances in aggregates.
Deleterious substances shall be listed individually
with respective limits.
Depending upon the quality of aggregates available,
some tests may not be required. Refer to EM
1110-2-2000 for the purpose of each test.
Aggregates delivered to the mixer shall meet the following requirements:
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