[Silica Fume
NOTE: Optional Table 2 in ASTM C 1240 shall be
included when used with aggregates listed to require
low-alkali cement. Other requirements in Table 4
may be specified if necessary. Refer to EM
1110-2-2000 for guidance.
Silica fume may be furnished as a dry, densified material or as a slurry.
Silica fume, unprocessed, or before processing into a slurry or a densified
material, shall conform to ASTM C 1240 with [Table 2 and ]the Specific
Surface Area and Uniformity Requirements in Table 4 invoked.
The Contractor shall provide at his expense the services of a
manufacturer's technical representative, experienced in mixture
proportioning, placement procedures, and curing of concrete containing
silica fume. The manufacturer's representative shall be available for
consultation by both the Contractor and the Government during mixture
proportioning, planning, and production of silica-fume concrete and shall
be onsite immediately prior to and during at least the first placement of
concrete containing silica fume, and at other times if directed.]
Blended Hydraulic Cement
[Portland blast-furnace slag cement shall conform to ASTM C 595, Type IS.][
Portland-pozzolan cement shall conform to ASTM C 595, Type IP.]
NOTE: The list of sources and required tests and
test limits will be taken from the concrete
materials DM; however, if the materials DM will be
more than five (5) years old at time of the proposed
issuance of the solicitation, then the Designer must
update the materials information prior to the
issuance of the soliciatation.
Concrete aggregates may be furnished from any source capable of meeting the
quality requirements as stated in paragraph QUALITY. The sources listed at
the end of this section were evaluated during the design phase of the
project in [19___][20__] and were found at that time capable of meeting the
quality requirements when suitably processed. No guarantee is given or
implied that any of the listed sources are currently capable of producing
aggregates that meet the required quality stated in paragraph QUALITY. A
Design Memorandum containing the results of the government investigation
and test results is available for review in the [_____] district office.
Contact [_____] at [_____] to arrange for review of the memorandum. The
test results and conclusions shall be considered valid only for the sample
tested and shall not be taken as an indication of the quality of all
material from a source nor for the amount of processing required. Fine and
coarse aggregates shall conform to the grading requirements of ASTM C 33.
The nominal maximum size shall be as listed in paragraph NOMINAL
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