use pine straw mulch only. Delete all other options.
[Wood chips] [ground or shredded bark] [shredded hardwood] [bark peelings]
[pine straw mulch] [pine needles][recycled] [_____].
Recycled Organic Mulch
Recycled mulch may include compost, tree trimmings, or pine needles with a
gradation that passes through a 65 by 65 mm2-1/2 by 2-1/2 inch screen. It
shall be cleaned of all sticks a minimum 25 mm1 inch in diameter and
plastic materials a minimum 75 mm3 inch length. The material shall be
treated to retard the growth of mold and fungi.
NOTE: Use material and method acceptable to the
local Agriculture County Extension Service Office,
or Engineering Field Office, Applied Biology
Section, in the project area. Pre-emergence
herbicides can be harmful to seed germination in new
seeding as well as detrimental to roots of new sod
or sprigs. Caution should be indicated when these
materials are specified. Check with the local
Department of Agriculture County Extension Service
for recommendations for local conditions.
[Fumigant] [Herbicide] [Insecticide] [Fungicide] [and] [Rodenticide]: EPA
registered and approved. Furnish for [preemergence] [and] [postemergence]
application for [crabgrass control] [and] [broadleaf weed control]. Comply
with Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (Title 7 U.S.C.
Section 136) for requirements on contractor's licensing, certification, and
record keeping. Contractor to keep records of all pesticide applications
and forward data monthly to Contracting Officer. Submit record keeping
format to Contracting Officer for approval. Contact the Installation Pest
Management Coordinator prior to starting work.
Provide landscape construction maintenance to include [irrigation equipment
cleaning and adjustments,] [mowing,] [edging,] [overseeding,] [aeration,]
[fertilizing,] [watering,] [weeding,] [pruning,] [stake and guy adjusting,]
[and] [pesticide application] [_____] for all [newly installed] [renovated]
landscape areas [and existing plant material], unless indicated otherwise,
and at all areas inside or outside the limits of the construction that are
disturbed by the Contractor's operations.
The Contractor shall police all landscaped areas. Policing includes
removal of leaves, branches and limbs regardless of length or diameter,
dead vegetation, paper, trash, cigarette butts, garbage, rocks or other
debris. [Policing shall extend to both sides of fencing or walls.]
Collected debris shall be promptly removed and disposed of at an approved
disposal site.
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