Tree Caliper
Anchor Size
50 mm
75 mm
75 to 150 mm
100 mm
150 to 200 mm
150 mm
200 to 250 mm
200 mm
250 to 300 mm
250 mm
Tree Caliper
Anchor Size
2 inches and under
3 inches
3 to 6 inches
4 inches
6 to 8 inches
6 inches
8 to 10 inches
8 inches
10 to 12 inches
10 inches
Steel, screw type with welded-on 75 mm 3 inch round helical steel plate,
minimum 10 mm 3/8 inch diameter, 375 mm 15 inches long.
Wood Edging
NOTE: Indicate type of wood, e.g., Redwood,
Cypress, Western Red Cedar, etc. If a decay
treatment will not be required.
[Redwood] [Cypress] [Western Red Cedar] [_____] wood edging shall be free
of solvent at time of delivery. Minimum 200 by 13 mm 8 by 1/2 inch [treated
in accordance with AWPA C2 with CCA Type C or ACA before installation].
Anchoring stakes shall be the same material as wood edging, [13 by 50]
[_____] mm [1/2 by 2] [_____] inches, 300 mm 12 inches long.
Metal Edging
NOTE: Check manufacturer's literature for the type
best suited for the project.
Galvanized steel with slots for stakes and [16] [5] [3] mm thick by [100]
[125] mm [1/4] [3/16] [1/8] inch thick by [4] [5] inch deep in [4.90]
[6.10] m [16] [20] foot lengths. Treat steel edging with rust preventative
and factory finish in color [green.] [brown.] Anchoring stakes shall be
tapered galvanized steel with same finish as metal edging, 400 to 450 mm 16
to 18 inches long.
Recycled Plastic Edging
100 percent recycled [polyethylene][_____] edging, resistant to insects,
termites, boring worms, splintering and rotting, and shall not absorb
moisture or promote bacterial growth. Minimum [1 by 4][1 by 6][2 by 4][2
by 6][_____] inch, capable of bending a minimum [24][36][_____] radius,
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