Broadleaf Evergreen Plant Material
Broadleaf evergreen plant material shall have the height-to-spread ratio
recommended by ANSI Z60.1. Acceptable plant material shall be well shaped
and recognized by the trade as typical for the variety grown in the region
of the project.
Ground Cover and Vine Plant Material
Ground cover and vine plant material shall have the minimum number of
runners and length of runner recommended by ANSI Z60.1. Plant material
shall have heavy, well developed and balanced crown with vigorous, well
developed root system and shall be furnished in containers.
NOTE: If topsoil properties are included in another
section of Division 2, delete this paragraph and
include a cross-reference to the appropriate
section. Otherwise, select appropriate paragraphs
on topsoil. Check with the local Agriculture County
Extension Service Office for soil properties
appropriate for the plant materials to be planted.
If existing topsoil is used, insert materials, if
required, to properly condition for pH and
friability. Where suitable topsoil is available
within limits of the work area, include stripping
and stockpiling of topsoil in the applicable section
of Division 2 of the specification. If suitable
topsoil is not available within the limits of the
work area, consider whether it is more economical to
treat the soil of the graded areas with fertilizer
and supplements so as to be conducive for plant
establishment and maintenance, to transport topsoil
to the project site, or to use regionally native
plants suited to the on-site soil.. If treatment of
the soil is more economical, include requirements
for fertilizer and supplements. Prior to
stockpiling topsoil, treat all weed-grasses, with
two separate applications of herbicide.. This
treatment should occur when the foliage is 150 to
250 mm 6 to 10 inches high and approximately 4 to 6
weeks prior to stockpiling.
Existing Soil
Modify to conform to requirements specified in paragraph entitled
On-Site Topsoil
Surface soil stripped and stockpiled on site and modified as necessary to
meet the requirements specified for topsoil in paragraph entitled
"Composition." When available topsoil shall be existing surface soil
stripped and stockpiled on-site in accordance with Section [02300
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