NOTE: Drawings will indicate the perimeters of the
play event use zone defining fall height, platform
height and maximum equipment height; spot elevations
and details as required to install protective
surfacing to meet child safety requirements.
Accessibility: Drawings will indicate spot
elevations; dimensions; ramp slope and rise;
transfer platform height and transfer space;
transfer step and height; and maneuvering space as
required to install play events to meet child
accessibility requirements.
Child Safety
NOTE: Specify playground equipment in accordance
with ASTM F 1487.
Playground Areas Other Than Child Development
Centers (CDC): TM 5-803-11, Children's Outdoor Play
Areas, provides guidance for the age groups defined
in paragraph AGE GROUPS concerning design of outdoor
play areas for children. The manual describes the
differences between unsupervised play areas such as
family housing areas and supervised play areas such
as child development centers. Site selection and
analysis; user needs analysis; play area committee;
age group criteria; play activities; play area
relationships; child safety requirements; playground
equipment; protective surfacing; and exterior plant
materials are discussed in terms for designing a
playground layout.
Child Development Centers (CDC): The CDC outdoor
play area requirements are defined in the DA
Standard Design Package for Child Development
Centers and TI 800-01 Design Criteria, Appendix G,
Child Development Centers. The CDC accommodate the
age groups as defined in paragraph AGE GROUPS. TM
5-663, Child Development Center Play Area Inspection
and Maintenance Program, discusses inspection
frequency and preventative maintenance requirements
to assist with selection of playground equipment.
Use Zones (Clear Area or Fall Zones): Play event
use zone perimeters are measured in accordance with
the requirements of paragraph CHILD SAFETY AND
Play events shall meet the child safety performance requirements described
in CPSC Pub No 325 and ASTM F 1487. The requirements include the
following: Head and neck entrapment; sharp points, edges, and protrusions;
entanglement; pinch, crush, and shear points; suspended hazards; play event
access and egress points; play event use zone perimeter; and design
criteria. Since ASTM F 1487 criteria is defined for the minimum user
through the maximum user (2 through 12 years of age), the requirements for
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