operated from a push button larger than the normal controls and have a flip
safety cover installed over the push button or toggle switch. Activation
of either EFO will operate all barriers. The EFO shall be interconnected
with an EFO-active light. When the remote control panel EFO is pushed,
operation of the barrier will not be possible from this panel until reset
Safety Equipment
Barrier Systems Sensors
NOTE: Safety equipment identified in items "b." and
"c." below, and subparagraphs "Warning Annunciators"
and "Vehicle Barrier Vertical Arm Gate (Traffic
Arm)" are required at installation access control
points. If active vehicle barriers are used for
other applications, edit the subparagraphs below
The barrier system sensors shall consist of the following:
a. Suppression Loops - Two inductive loops whose outputs shall be used
to prevent barriers raising when a vehicle is within a prescribed
distance of the barrier. The output of the loops shall override all
barrier rise signals until one second after a vehicle clears the
suppression loop.
b. Speed Loops - Two inductive loops whose output shall be used to
signal the barrier controller of a vehicle approaching at a speed
greater than the posted speed (11.2 m/sec 25 mph or less
(recommended)). The speed loops shall cause the barrier control panel
to annunciate a warning sound alerting the guard to make a decision as
to whether the barrier should be raised or not.
c. Wrong Way Loops - Two inductive loops whose output shall be used to
signal the barrier control panel to ennunciate a warning sound if a
vehicle is attempting to enter the facility through the exit lane. The
warning sound will alert the guard to make a decision as to whether the
barrier should be raised or not.
The sensors shall be compatible with the barrier controller and shall
Traffic Lights
NOTE: Designer must verify that vehicles using a
gate with a barrier will be able to see the barrier
position or the traffic lights. Semitrucks may
require a painted stop line or a traffic arm versus
a higher mounted traffic light to ensure the lights
or barrier can be seen by all vehicles.
Red/yellow 200 mm 8 inch traffic lights shall be supplied for each entrance
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