Internal Friction Angle of reinforced fill, [30] degrees
Cohesion of reinforced fill, [0] kPa psf
Water Elevation in reinforced fill, [_____] meters feet
NOTE: The minimum base width is an empirical
constraint. The minimum base width of 0.7H is the
same as FHWA requirements, but slightly exceeding
the NCMA requirement of 0.6H.
As a minimum requirement, the length of the reinforcing at the base of the
wall shall not be less than 0.7 times the total height of the blocks.
Seismic Design Requirements
NOTE: The pseudo static analysis method is only
applicable up to A < 0.4 in the NCMA manual, and up
to A < 0.29 in the FHWA method. The wall should be
Government designed if A exceeds the recommendations
of the design method, or if a dynamic analysis is
considered necessary. The NCMA Seismic Design
Manual references AASHTO and the Canadian Foundation
Engineering Manual for sources of the A value. ER
1110-2-1806 (31 July 1995) also contains similar
data obtained from the National Earthquake Hazard
Reduction Program (NEHRP).
[The Contractor shall complete the seismic stability analysis in accordance
with NCMA TR160 or FHWA NHI-00-043. The pseudo-acceleration value with a
10 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years (referred to as the A
value by NCMA and FHWA) shall be assumed as [_____].]
The long term design strength of the lowest [_____] reinforcement layer[s]
shall equal or exceed the requirements listed in Table 1. Reinforcement
lengths shall be no less than the lengths shown on the drawings.
Shop drawings shall reflect all information needed to fabricate and erect
the walls including the leveling pad elevations; the shape and dimensions
of wall elements; the number, size, type, and details of the soil
reinforcing system and anchorage; and identification of areas requiring
coping. The design and layout of the internal reinforcement shall be
subject to the following:
a. All features indicated in the contract documents shall be
incorporated in the final design and construction.
b. The leveling pad elevations may vary, but shall be no higher than
the embedment depth profile shown.
Each reinforcement level shall run as continuous as practical
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