insure good bond, pavement in areas where markers will be set shall be
applying adhesive.
Reflective Media
Application of reflective media shall immediately follow application of
pigmented binder. Drop-on application of glass spheres shall be
accomplished to insure that reflective media is evenly distributed at the
specified rate of coverage. Should there be malfunction of either paint
applicator or reflective media dispenser, operations shall be discontinued
immediately until deficiency is corrected.
Pavement marking, including plastic tape, shall be removed in the areas
shown on the drawings. Removal of marking shall be as complete as possible
without damage to the surface. Aggregate shall not be exposed by the
removal process. After the markings are removed, the cleaned pavement
surfaces shall exhibit adequate texture for remarking as specified in
paragraph SURFACE PREPARATION. Contractor shall demonstrate removal of
pavement marking in an area designated by the Contracting Officer. The
demonstration area will become the standard for the remainder of the work.
Equipment Operation
Equipment shall be controlled and operated to remove markings from the
pavement surface, prevent dilution or removal of binder from underlying
pavement, and prevent emission of blue smoke from asphalt or tar surfaces.
Cleanup and Waste Disposal
The worksite shall be kept clean of debris and waste from the removal
operations. Cleanup shall immediately follow removal operations in areas
subject to air traffic. Debris shall be disposed of at approved sites.
-- End of Section --
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