d. The peaks of the textured pavement surface are rounded in profile
and free of sharp edges and irregularities.
The surface to be marked is dry.
All pavement markings and patterns shall be placed as shown on the plans.
Paint shall be applied to clean, dry surfaces, and only when air and
pavement temperatures are above 5 degrees C 40 degrees F and less than 35
degrees C 95 degrees F. Paint temperature shall be maintained within these
same limits. New asphalt pavement surfaces and new Portland concrete
cement shall be allowed to cure for a period of not less than 30 days
before applications of paint. Paint shall be applied pneumatically with
approved equipment at rate of coverage specified . The Contractor shall
provide guide lines and templates as necessary to control paint
application. Special precautions shall be taken in marking numbers,
letters, and symbols. Edges of markings shall be sharply outlined.
Rate of Application
a. Reflective Markings: Pigmented binder shall be applied evenly to
the pavement area to be coated at a rate of 2.9 plus or minus 0.5
square meter per liter 105 plus or minus 5 square feet per gallon.
Glass spheres shall be applied uniformly to the wet paint [on airfield
pavement at a rate of 1.0 8] [on road and street pavement at a rate of
0.7 6] plus or minus 0.06 kg 0.5 pounds of glass spheres per L gallon
of paint.
b. Nonreflective Markings: Paint shall be applied evenly to the
pavement surface to be coated at a rate of 2.9 plus or minus 0.5 square
meter per liter 105 plus or minus 5 square feet per gallon.
The maximum drying time requirements of the paint specifications will be
strictly enforced to prevent undue softening of bitumen, and pickup,
displacement, or discoloration by tires of traffic. If there is a delay in
drying of the markings, painting operations shall be discontinued until
cause of the slow drying is determined and corrected.
Thermoplastic Compounds
Thermoplastic pavement markings shall be placed upon dry pavement; surface
dry only will not be considered an acceptable condition. At the time of
installation, the pavement surface temperature shall be a minimum of 5
degrees C 40 degrees F and rising. Thermoplastics, as placed, shall be
free from dirt or tint.
Longitudinal Markings
All centerline, skipline, edgeline, and other longitudinal type markings
shall be applied with a mobile applicator. All special markings,
crosswalks, stop bars, legends, arrows, and similar patterns shall be
placed with a portable applicator, using the extrusion method.
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