in advance of the placement of fresh mixture to ensure adequate curing.
Care shall be taken to prevent damage or contamination of the sprayed
Transverse Joints
The roller shall pass over the unprotected end of a strip of freshly placed
material only when placing is discontinued or delivery of mixture is
interrupted to the extent that material in place may become cold. In all
cases, prior to continuing placement, the edge of previously placed
pavement shall be cut back to expose an even, vertical surface for the full
thickness of the course. In continuing the placement of a strip, the
mechanical spreader shall be positioned on the transverse joint so that
sufficient PFC will be spread to obtain a joint after rolling that conforms
to the required thickness and smoothness specified herein.
Longitudinal Joints
Edges of a previously placed strip shall be placed so that the pavement in
and immediately adjacent to the joint between this strip and the succeeding
strip meets the requirements for thickness and smoothness. Particular care
shall be taken in rolling this joint. Joint edges of PFC which do not
conform to these requirements shall be removed for the full width of the
strip and replaced in accordance with paragraph CORRECTING DEFICIENT AREAS.
Edges of pavement adjacent to shoulders shall be trimmed neatly to line.
NOTE: Use the second bracketed statement when a
detailed SURFACE PREPARATION paragraph is developed
for this Section. Otherwise, use the first
bracketed statement.
Mixtures of PFC that become contaminated or are defective shall be removed
to the full thickness of course. Edges of the area to be removed shall be
cut so that sides are perpendicular and parallel to direction of traffic
and so that edges are vertical. Edges shall be lightly sprayed with
bituminous materials as specified in Section 02748A BITUMINOUS TACK AND
PRIME COATS. Fresh PFC mixture shall be placed in the excavated areas in
sufficient quantity so that the finished surface will conform to the
thickness and smoothness requirements. Skin patching of an area will not
be permitted. Existing underlying material damaged during removal of
contaminated or defective PFC shall be [removed and replaced to match
existing] [repaired as specified in paragraph Surface Preparation] before
placing PFC.
The Contractor shall be responsible for CQC testing and inspection during
construction. The extent and frequency of such CQC testing and inspection
shall be sufficient to assure that all materials, operations, and finished
products meet all requirements of these specifications. All testing shall
be performed by and approved commercial testing laboratory, unless the
Contractor has an in house testing laboratory which has been inspected and
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