bodies shall have arrows clearly cast on the sides to indicate the
direction of flow. Each strainer shall be equipped with an easily
removable cover and sediment basket. The body or bottom opening shall be
equipped with nipple and gate valve for blowdown. The basket for steam
systems shall be not less than 0.6350 mm 0.025 inch thick stainless steel,
Monel or sheet brass, with small perforations of sufficient number to
provide a net free area through the basket of at least 2.5 times that of
the entering pipe. The flow shall be into the basket and out through the
perforations. For high temperature hot water systems, only cast steel
bodies and stainless or Monel baskets shall be used.
NOTE: Delete if not required.
Gauges shall conform to ASME B40.100, and shall be provided with throttling
type needle valve or a pulsation dampener and shut-off valve. Minimum dial
size shall be 110 mm 4-1/4 inches.
NOTE: Delete if not required.
Dial type thermometer shall be 90 mm 3-1/2 inches in diameter with
stainless steel case, remote-type bulb or direct-type bulb as required.
The thermometer shall have an accuracy of plus or minus 1 degree C 2
degrees F. Thermometer wells of the separable socket type shall be
provided for each thermometer with direct-type bulb. The thermometer shall
have a white face with black digits graduated in 1 degree C 2 degrees F
NOTE: All piping, valves and fittings for steam,
hot water and dual temperature heat distribution
systems in valve manholes require insulation for the
protection of operating and maintenance personnel as
not to insulate chilled water lines, valves, and
fittings in the manholes can be determined by the
energy conservation.
The energy savings will vary with the ambient
temperature but will be a factor in warm climates.
There may be some isolated cases where the chilled
water distribution pipes entering the manhole are
not insulated; therefore, the piping in the manhole
from the air forming on the chilled water pipes
causes a problem.
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