the suitability of the materials. If doubt remains
after the study, because of exceptional conditions,
a report should be submitted to HQUSACE (CECW-EW).
Consider the following in NAVFAC project designs.
Allowable piping materials:
a. The project specification should allow the use
of piping materials for each application which are
suitable for the project, each to be permitted as a
Contractor's option.
b. Refer to the appropriate NAVFACENGCOM Design
Manual/Military Handbook for general information on
piping materials suitable for use on the
applications covered by this specification.
c. Pipe materials which are known to be unsuitable
for local conditions (i.e., corrosion, root
penetration, etc.) should not be permitted for the
project. However, consideration should be given to
use of more effective protective coatings and
jointing methods where economically feasible.
d. In areas where problems with root penetration
are anticipated, specify pipe which has the kind of
joint which will successfully resist root
penetration. Generally speaking, the more watertight
root penetration. Rubber-gasketed and
compression-type joints are considered to give the
best performance for this application.
e. It is assumed that corrosive fluids (acids,
alkalies, toluene, etc.) will not be reaching the
exterior sewer system in relatively undiluted
condition. If such will not be the case,
investigate the materials specified herein for
resistance to the particular chemical involved. If
necessary, corrosion-resistant materials other than
those specified herein may be used.
f. Further information on clay pipe may be found in
the Clay Pipe Engineering Manual (1985 Edition) of
the National Clay Pipe Institute.
g. For further information on the selection of
concrete sewer pipe and jointing materials, see the
Concrete Pipe Handbook (1980 Edition), both
h. Where required for special applications,
reinforced concrete arch pipe conforming to ASTM C
506 or reinforced concrete elliptical pipe
conforming to ASTM C 507 may be specified.
Plastic pipe is subject to temperature
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