Make and manufacturer's model designation of drilling equipment
Date boring was drilled.
Reference data for all depth measurements.
Name of driller and name and signature of geologist preparing log.
Nominal hole diameter and depth at which hole diameter changes.
Total depth of boring.
Method of drilling, including sampling methods and sample depths,
including those attempted with no recovery. Indication of
penetration resistance such as drive hammer blows given in blows
per 150 mm 6 inches of driven sample tubes. Information shall
include hammer weight and drop distance. Information such as rod
size, bit type, pump type, etc., shall be recorded. A description
of any temporary casing used, drill fluids and fluid additives
used, if any, including brand name and amount used, along with the
reason for and start (by depth) of its use shall be included. If
measured, mud viscosities and weight shall be recorded.
Depth of each change of stratum. If location of strata change is
approximate, it shall be so stated.
Description of the material of which each stratum is composed, in
accordance with [ASTM D 2488] [_____], and/or standard rock
nomenclature in accordance with [COE TR GL-85-3][_____], as
necessary. Soil parameters for logging shall include, but shall
not be limited to, classification, depositional environment and
formation, if known, Unified Soil Classification Symbol, secondary
components and estimated percentages, color, plasticity,
consistency (cohesive soil), density (non-cohesive soil), moisture
content, structure and orientation, and grain angularity. Rock
core parameters for logging shall include, but shall not be
limited to, rock type, formation, modifier denoting variety
(shaly, calcareous, siliceous, etc.), color, hardness, degree of
cementation, texture, crystalline structure and orientation,
degree of weathering, solution or void conditions, primary and
secondary permeability, and lost core. The results of any
chemical field screening shall also be included on the boring log.
Classification shall be prepared in the field at the time of
sampling. The results of visual observation of the material
encountered, and any unusual odor detected shall also be duly
noted and recorded.
Depth of any observed fractures, weathered zones, or any
abnormalities encountered.
Depth and estimated percent of drill fluid loss or lost
circulation. Measures taken to regain drill water circulation.
Significant color changes in the drilling fluid return.
Depth to water, and any non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) and date
measured before, during, and after each drilling shift, and prior
to well installation. The Contractor shall provide and maintain
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