1.2 meters 4 feet per side to allow access and steam cleaning. Yellow
ribbon shall be used to encircle the decontamination pad. Water collected
in the sump shall be pumped using a "trash" pump to transfer water to a 200
liter 55 gallon drum labeled "Decontamination Pad Sump Water." Solid waste
shall be transferred to a separate 200 liter 55 gallon drum labeled
"Decontamination Pad Sump Sludge."
Water Source
NOTE: Delete this paragraph if not applicable for
the project.
If well drilling/installation requires the use of water, prior to its use
at the site, the water source shall be sampled and tested, and approved by
the Contracting Officer for the constituents specified in the Sampling and
Analysis Plan as required in Section 01450A CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL.
The Contractor shall be responsible for locating the source, obtaining the
water from the source, transporting it to, and storing it at the site. A
water sample shall be obtained from the container used in transporting the
water to the site before the water is used for decontamination. This
sample shall be tested and approved in accordance with the above
NOTE: Delete prohibition against organic drilling
fluid, and grease, oil, and fuel leaks on equipment
if not installing wells at an HTRW site, or if not
applicable for the project.
The drilling method shall be as approved by the Contracting Officer and
shall conform to all state and local standards for water well construction.
The execution of the work shall be by competent workmen and shall be
performed under the direct supervision of an experienced well driller. The
drilling method shall prevent the collapse of formation material against
the well screen and casing during installation of the well. The inside
diameter of any temporary casing used shall be sufficient to allow accurate
placement of the screen, riser, centralizer(s), filter pack, seal and
grout. [Any drilling fluid additive used shall be inorganic in nature, but
be phosphate free. Grease or oil on drill rods, casing, or auger joints
are not permitted; however, PTFE tape or vegetable oil (in solid phase
form) are acceptable. The drill rig shall be free from leaks of fuel,
hydraulic fluid, and oil which may contaminate the borehole, ground surface
or drill tools.] Casing pipe, well screens, and joint couplings shall be
of compatible materials throughout each well. The well shall be a [filter
pack well] [naturally developed well] activated in the [overburden]
[water-bearing stratum] [stratum based on test hole data]. The well shall
be drilled straight, plumb, and circular from top to bottom. The well
shall be initially drilled from the ground surface to the [uppermost level
of the water bearing strata] [top of rock] [_____]and the bottom of the
outer casing set at this elevation. The hole below the outer casing shall
penetrate the water bearing stratum a sufficient depth to produce the
required amount of water without causing excessive velocities through the
aquifer. During construction of the wells, precautions shall be used to
prevent tampering with the well or entrance of foreign material. Runoff
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