The Contractor shall maintain existing survey monuments and wells, and
protect them from damage from equipment and vehicular traffic. Any items
damaged by the Contractor shall be repaired by the Contractor. Wells
requiring replacement due to Contractor negligence shall be re-installed
according to these specifications. Wells scheduled for abandonment shall
be protected from damage so that abandonment may be performed according to
these specifications. Prior to excavation, the Contractor shall obtain
written approval from the local utility companies to drill at each site, to
avoid disturbing buried utilities.
NOTE: It may not be necessary to decontaminate the
drilling equipment if not installing wells at an
HTRW site. However, given that drilling equipment
can be, and is used at both HTRW, as well as
non-HTRW sites, it may be prudent to also require
that the equipment be decontaminated before use at a
non-HTRW site.
The drill rig, drill rods, drill bits, augers, temporary casing, well
developing equipment, tremie pipes, grout pumping lines, and other
associated equipment shall be cleaned with high-pressure hot water/steam
prior to drilling at each well location. Decontamination shall be done in
accordance with ASTM D 5088 or ASTM D 5608. Decontamination shall be
performed at a central decontamination station. Cleaning shall be
performed in an area that is remote from, and cross- or down-gradient from
the well being drilled. Screen and well casing shall be cleaned with
high-pressure hot water immediately prior to installation in the well. The
use of factory sealed (plastic wrapped) screen and well casing does not
waive this requirement for pre-installation cleaning. Samplers shall be
decontaminated in accordance with the Sampling and Analysis Plan as
required in Section 01450A CHEMICAL DATA QUALITY CONTROL. The water used
for cleaning shall be from a Government approved source. The water source
used for cleaning shall be sampled and tested for the constituents
specified in the Sampling and Analysis Plan prior to use at the site.
Decontamination Station
NOTE: Delete this paragraph if not applicable for
the project.
The Contractor shall construct a temporary decontamination pad onsite. The
pad shall be bermed and slightly inclined towards a sump located in one of
the back corners of the pad. Plastic sheeting shall line the pads and
berms to contain decontamination water. Plywood sheeting, exterior grade,
shall be placed over the plastic sheeting to prevent damage to the plastic
and allow the drill rig and heavy equipment to use the pad. The minimum
dimensions of the pad shall be the length and width of the drill rig, plus
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