Load Tests
NOTE: Specify load tests when needed to confirm
design capacities. At least one caisson location
should be load tested in each area of substantially
different subsoil conditions. Indicate number,
size, and location of test caisson and sequence.
Perform caisson load tests in locations indicated.
Test Records
NOTE: The requirement of performing the load test
under the direct supervision of a registered
professional engineer may be waived at the
discretion of the design agency.
Perform tests and recording of data under supervision of a registered
professional engineer provided by the [Government] [Contractor] and in the
presence of the Contracting Officer.
Apply Loads
Apply load in concentric manner with magnitude of load accurately
determined and controlled.
Caisson Supports
Laterally support top of caisson during entire load test.
Settlement Readings
Load caisson to [150] [200] percent of design load, but do not exceed
ultimate concrete strength at time of loading. Apply load in increments of
[_____]. Maintain full test load for a period of [24] [_____] consecutive
hours and make settlement readings at not less than [1/2] [_____]-hour
intervals. [Perform load test in accordance with ASTM D 1143, except the
maximum load shall not exceed [200] [_____] percent of the design load.]
Test Results
NOTE: Residual settlement shall not exceed 12.7 mm
1/2 inch for medium sized piers. Equally, the
settlement caused by twice the design load shall not
exceed 12.7 mm 1/2 inch.
Tested installations will be considered satisfactory if:
No apparent distress occurs in caisson construction.
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