to test
9 - 20
21 and above
[After delivery of all of the fenders to the construction site and before
fender installation, perform a minimum of [3] [_____] skin thickness tests
per fender for each of [1][2][3][4] fenders to be selected at random by the
Contracting Officer.] [After fabrication of all of the fenders and prior
to fender shipment to the construction site, perform a minimum of [3]
[_____] skin thickness tests per fender for each of [1] [2] [3] [4] fenders
to be selected at random by the Contracting Officer.] Test locations on
the fenders will be selected by the Contracting Officer. Each test shall
consist of taking a 6 mm 1/4 inch diameter (minimum) to 13 mm 1/2 inch
diameter (maximum) core from the fender skin which can be removed from the
skin and examined for thickness of elastomer and placement of reinforcing
(when reinforcing is required). Take skin thickness measurements from the
core sample and record measurements noting placement of reinforcing. Where
the skin thickness measurement is less than the specified minimum, or the
minimum required by the Contractor's design (whichever is greater) by more
than 10 percent, reject the fender. In addition, if the average of skin
thickness tests for one fender is not equal to or greater than the
specified minimum, or the minimum required by the Contractor's design
(whichever is greater), reject the fender. If tested fender is rejected,
at the option of the Contracting Officer, the Contractor shall then conduct
thickness tests for additional fenders. Replace rejected fenders with
fenders meeting the provisions of this specification. Test replacement
fenders for skin thickness as specified herein. Skin thickness tests will
be witnessed by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall notify the
Contracting Officer 10 working days prior to conducting skin thickness
tests. After skin thickness testing, patch core holes with elastomer of
the same composition and thickness as the specified elastomer skin. Nylon
reinforcing is not required in core hole patches.
NOTE: This article should be modified as necessary
to fit individual application for each project.
Install fenders [as indicated on the drawings.] [in a floating condition
beside the wharf at locations as directed by the Contracting Officer.
Attach fenders to the standard Navy mooring cleats provided along the wharf
by means of standard Navy mooring lines. The mooring lines will be
furnished by the Government for the Contractor's use in installation.]
-- End of Section --
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