Rock embankments shall be constructed from material classified as rock
excavation, as defined above, placed in successive horizontal layers of
loose material not more than [_____] mm inches in depth. Pieces of rock
larger than [_____] mm inches in the greatest dimension shall not be used.
Each layer of material shall be spread uniformly, completely saturated, and
compacted to a minimum density of [_____] kg/cubic meter pcf. Each
successive layer of material shall adequately bond to the material on which
it is placed. Compaction shall be accomplished with vibratory compactors
weighing at least [_____] metric tons, tons, heavy rubber-tired rollers
weighing at least [_____] metric tons, tons, or steel-wheeled rollers
weighing at least [_____] metric tons tons. [Rock excavation shall not be
used as fill material for the construction of pavements.] [In embankments
on which pavements are to be constructed, rock shall not be used above a
point [_____] mm inch below the surface of the pavement.]
Proof Rolling
NOTE: Specify proof rolling when the quality of the
existing subgrade is questionable. Proof rolling
can be used to verify that no unsatisfactory
material is present (no bid quantity required,
location shown or specified) or to locate suspected
unsatisfactory material (indicate a bid quantity to
be removed). Remove this paragraph if not required
in the project.
Proof rolling shall be done on an exposed subgrade free of surface water
(wet conditions resulting from rainfall) which would promote degradation of
an otherwise acceptable subgrade. [After stripping,] proof roll the
existing subgrade of the [_____] with six passes of a [dump truck loaded
with 6 cubic meters 4 cubic yards of soil] [13.6 meter tons 15 ton,
pneumatic-tired roller.] Operate the [roller] [truck] in a systematic
manner to ensure the number of passes over all areas, and at speeds between
4 to 5.5 km/hour 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 mph. [When proof rolling, one-half of the
passes made with the roller shall be in a direction perpendicular to the
other passes.] Notify the Contracting Officer a minimum of 3 days prior to
proof rolling. Proof rolling shall be performed in the presence of the
Contracting Officer. Rutting or pumping of material shall be undercut [as
directed by the Contracting Officer] [to a depth of [_____] mm inches] and
replaced with [fill and backfill] [select] material. [Bids shall be based
on replacing approximately [_____] square meters square yards, with an
average depth of [_____] mminches at various locations.]
NOTE: Moisture content limits for compaction should
be included in these paragraphs when necessary for
obtaining strength and stability in embankments and
fill, for controlling movement of expansive soils
and when, in the opinion of the project geotechnical
engineer, moisture control is required for the soils
being used.
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