one sample should be taken from near the center of
the excavation (or where there is the highest
may be oriented symmetrically relative to the center
sample and the limits of the excavation.
Many military facilities have base-wide sampling and
analysis plans which have been approved by the
applicable regulatory agencies. These plans may
specify the number of confirmation samples which
must be taken.
Evaluation and Attainment of Cleanup Standards
provides guidance on the design of statistically
based sampling intervals.
With regulator approval, confirmation sampling and
analysis may be accomplished using an averaging
technique for comparison to cleanup criteria. This
is based on the fact that most soil risk exposure
discrete hot spots but as a more disperse
phenomenon. Two ways to accomplish this averaging
technique are to take discrete samples and average
the data or by compositing sample material before
analysis. A composite sample typically consists of
4 to 6 samples which are mixed together. One sample
is then obtained from the composite sample for
analysis. EM 200-1-3 provides guidance on
compositing samples. Composite samples are not
the compositing process will result in
samples are required, Section 01450 CHEMICAL DATA
QUALITY CONTROL should be edited by a qualified
chemist to describe procedures for compositing
Confirmation sampling at a site with radioactive
contamination in surface soils or on building
surfaces will be performed in accordance with the
Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation
Manual (MARSSIM), NUREG-1575, EPA 402-R-97-016.
This manual is a guide for confirmation survey
design (planning) and for data evaluation. Its
primary purpose is to acquire legally defensible
data concerning the post excavation residual
site meets release criteria.
The Contracting Officer shall be present to inspect the removal of
contaminated material from each site. After all material suspected of
being contaminated has been removed, the excavation shall be examined for
evidence of contamination. If the excavation appears to be free of
contamination, field analysis shall be used to determine the presence of
[_____] contamination using [a real time vapor monitoring instrument]
[immunoassay field kits] [_____]. Excavation of additional material shall
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