used to determine such condition are the number and
type of batteries to be charged; room volume;
maximum volume of hydrogen gas emitted during
charging; and ventilation rate. In general,
approximately 0.000045 cubic meter/hour 0.016 cubic
feet per hour of hydrogen gas is produced from each
fully charged cell per charging ampere. In a safe
environment, explosion-proof wiring, or vapor-proof
large battery room specify eye wash, floor drain and
associated maintenance and safety equipment, such as
hydrometer, eye goggles, and rubber gloves if
wet-cell type batteries is specified. Designer
should coordinate these requirements with the
mechanical designer.
Consist of nominal number of [_____] [24] battery cells. Battery float
voltage: [_____] [48] volts. High performance [lead calcium sealed
maintenance-free] [lead calcium] type, multicell construction. Discharge
rates: [_____] amperes minimum for 15 minutes minimum and 8 hours maximum
to [_____] volt per cell at 25 degrees C 77 degrees F. Float voltage
acceptable range shall be [_____] [2.2] to [_____] [2.3] volts per cell at
[_____] [1.28] specific gravity. Battery cell shall have safety flame
arrestor. Provide inter-cell connectors[, and hydrometer].
Battery Rack
NOTE: Designer should check the seismic requirement
for location where the battery will be installed.
Seismic zone map for the United States is provided
in the Uniform Building Code (UBC). For seismic
zone areas specify a maximum of two tier for
tier racks. Maintaining the batteries is easier
when step racks are used. However, more space is
required compared to tier racks. Coordinate
anchoring with the Structural designer.
[Two tier] [step] rack. [Three] [_____] frames per rack. Rated for
[seismic, zone [2] [_____]] [non-seismic] location. Length: [_____] meters
NOTE: If a comprehensive TMS is not required, the
designer should specify a printer only to produce
sequential calling data.
System shall provide records for later retrieval of the number of the
calling line, [access code,] all digits of the called number, date,
starting time and duration of all outward calls to the public switched
service network, FTS, and Autovon. Capacity to store [_____] call record
is required. System shall also provide off-line storage. Provide console
printer for exclusive use of the TMS.
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