trenching equipment. Provide a minimum cable cover of 610 mm 24 inches
below finished grade. Trenches shall be not less than 155 mm 6 inches wide
and in straight lines between cable markers. Do not use cable plows.
Bends in trenches shall have a radius of not less than [915][____] mm
[36][____] inches. Where two or more cables are laid parallel in the same
trench, space laterally at least 75 mm 3 inches apart. When rock is
encountered, remove it to a depth of at least 75 mm 3 inches below the
cable and fill the space with sand or clean earth free from particles
larger than 6 mm 1/4 inch. Do not unreel and pull cables into the trench
from one end. Cable may be unreeled on grade and lifted into position.
Provide color, type and depth of warning tape as specified in Section 02300
Media Placement
Separate FO media crossing other cables or metal piping from the
other cables or pipe by not less than [75][____] mm [3][____]
inches of well tamped earth. Do not install FO media under or
above traffic signal loops.
Media shall be in one continuous length without splices except
where splices are shown on the drawings.
Do not allow bends in media which exceed the manufacturers minimum
recommended radii. Do not bend media to a radius less than 10
times the outside diameter of the media.
Leave a horizontal slack of approximately 915 mm 3 feet in the
ground on each end of cable runs, on each side of connection
boxes, and at points where connections are brought above ground.
Where cable is brought above ground, leave additional slack to
make necessary connections.
Identification Slabs (Markers)
Provide a marker at each change of direction of the cable, over the ends of
ducts or conduits which are installed under paved areas and roadways and
over each splice. Identification markers shall be of concrete,
approximately500 mm 20 inches square by 150 mm 6 inches thick and stake
mounted warnings meeting the requirements of REA.
Underground Duct
Construct underground duct as specified in Section 16302N UNDERGROUND
TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION. Encase in concrete any ducts under roads,
paved areas, or railroad tracks.
Connections to Existing Maintenance Holes [and Handholes]
For duct line connections to existing structures, break the structure wall
out to the dimensions required and preserve the steel in the structure
wall. Cut the steel and the duct line envelope.
Connections to Concrete Pads
For duct line connections to concrete pads, break an opening in the pad out
to the dimensions required and preserve the steel in the pad. Cut the
steel and extend it out to tie into the reinforcing of the duct line
envelope. Chip out the opening in the pad to form a key for the duct line
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