The type of installation, size and number of cables shall be as indicated.
Conductors larger than No. 8 AWG shall be stranded. Loads shall be divided
as evenly as practicable on the various phases of the system.
Manufacturer's written recommendations shall be furnished for each type of
splice and medium-voltage cable joint and termination, and for fireproofing
application methods, and shall be approved before any work is done.
Medium-voltage cable joints and terminations shall be the standard product
of a manufacturer and shall be either of the factory preformed type or of
the kit type containing tapes and other required parts. Medium-voltage
cable joints shall be made by qualified cable splicers. Compounds and
tapes shall be electrical grade suitable for the cable insulation provided
and shall use design materials and techniques recommended by the
manufacturer. Maximum length of cable pull and cable pulling tensions
shall not exceed the cable manufacturer's recommendations.
Duct Line Installation
[Medium-voltage cables] [Low-voltage cables] [Cables] shall be installed in
duct lines [where indicated]. [Cable splices in low-voltage cables shall
be made in manholes and handholes only, except as otherwise noted.] [Cable
joints in medium-voltage cables shall be made in manholes only.] Neutral
[and ground] conductors shall be installed in the same duct with their
associated phase conductors. Counterpoise cable shall be installed in a
separate duct or direct-burial not less than [150 mm] [_____] mm [6]
[_____] inches above the uppermost duct containing electrical cable.
Electrical metallic tubing shall not be installed underground or enclosed
in concrete.
Direct-Burial Installation
NOTE: Use 750 mm (30 inch) back-fill cover for
cable ratings up to 15 kV and 900 mm (36 inch) cover
for cable ratings above 15 kV and up to 35 kV.
[Medium-voltage cables] [Low-voltage cables] [Cables] shall be buried
directly in the earth as indicated. Minimum cover from the top of a cable
to finished grade shall be [600 mm 24 inches for low-voltage cables] [[750]
[900] mm [30] [36] inches from medium-voltage cables,] but not less than
the depth of the frost line. Counterpoise cable shall be not less than
[150] [_____] mm [6] [_____] inches above the uppermost electrical cable or
duct containing cable but not less than the depth of the frost line.
Trenches for direct-burial cables shall be excavated to depths required to
provide the minimum necessary cable cover. Bottoms of trenches shall be
smooth and free of stones and sharp objects. Where bottoms of trenches
comprise materials other than sand or stone-free earth, 75 mm 3 inch layers
of sand or stone-free earth shall be laid first and compacted to
approximate densities of surrounding firm soil.
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