unless specifically waived by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor
shall maintain a written record of all tests which includes date, test
performed, personnel involved, devices tested, serial number and name of
test equipment, and test results.
The Contractor shall provide and use safety devices such as rubber gloves,
test vicinity. The Contractor shall replace any devices or equipment which
are damaged due to improper test procedures or handling.
Molded-Case Circuit Breakers
Circuit breakers shall be visually inspected, operated manually, and
connections checked for tightness. Current ratings shall be verified and
adjustable settings incorporated in accordance with the coordination study.
Power Circuit Breakers
circuit breaker manually; adjust and clean primary contacts in accordance
with manufacturer's published instructions; check tolerances and
clearances; check for proper lubrication; and ensure that all connections
shall verify operating voltages on closing and tripping coils. The
Contractor shall verify fuse ratings in control circuits; electrically
operate the breaker, where applicable; and implement settings in accordance
with the coordination study.
Power Circuit Breaker Tests
NOTE: List specific breakers to be tested. Delete
entirely if test not required.
ANSI C37.50.
Protective Relays
Protective relays shall be visually and mechanically inspected, adjusted,
tested, and calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's published
instructions. Tests shall include pick-up, timing, contact action,
restraint, and other aspects necessary to ensure proper calibration and
operation. Relay settings shall be implemented in accordance with the
coordination study. Relay contacts shall be manually or electrically
operated to verify that the proper breakers and alarms initiate. [Relaying
current transformers shall be field tested in accordance with IEEE C57.13.]
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