NOTE: When either copper or aluminum bus is allowed
the manufacturers will generally provide the less
expensive aluminum. Use ASTM 317 when aluminum bus
is permitted. Silver plating the bus allows for
higher temperature rise and is not generally
All panelboards shall be of the dead-front type with buses and circuit
breakers mounted on a plate or base for installation as a unit in a
cabinet. All buses shall be of copper [or aluminum] [and shall be tin or
silver-plated throughout]. Copper [or aluminum] bars and shapes for bus
conductors shall conform to the applicable requirements of ASTM B 187/B 187M
[, and ASTM B 317/B 317M]. The sizes of buses and the details of
panelboard construction shall meet or exceed the requirements of NEMA PB 1.
Suitable provisions shall be made for mounting the bus within panelboards
and adjusting their positions in the cabinets. Terminal lugs required to
accommodate the conductor sizes shown on the drawing, shall be provided for
all branch circuits larger than No. 10 AWG. A grounding lug suitable for
1/0 AWG wire shall be provided for each panelboard.
Each branch circuit, and the main buses where so specified or shown on the
shall be of a type designed for bolted connection to buses in a panelboard
assembly, and shall meet the requirements of paragraph MOLDED CASE CIRCUIT
interchangeable. [Bell alarm contacts shall be furnished as indicated on
the drawings and shall be wired to terminal blocks mounted in the cabinet.
Terminal blocks shall conform to requirements of paragraph TERMINAL BLOCKS.]
Interior and exterior steel surfaces of equipment enclosures shall be
thoroughly cleaned and then receive a rust-inhibitive phosphatizing or
equivalent treatment prior to painting. Exterior surfaces shall be free
from holes, seams, dents, weld marks, loose scale or other imperfections.
Interior surfaces shall receive not less than one coat of
corrosion-resisting paint in accordance with the manufacturer's standard
practice. Exterior surfaces shall be primed, filled where necessary, and
given not less than two coats baked enamel with semigloss finish.
Equipment located indoors shall be ANSI Light Gray, [and equipment located
outdoors shall be ANSI [Light Grey] [Dark Gray].] All touch-up work shall
be done with manufacturer's coatings as supplied under paragraph SPARE
Each item of equipment supplied under this contract shall be given the
manufacturer's routine factory tests and tests as specified below, to
insure successful operation of all parts of the assemblies. All tests
required herein shall be witnessed by the Contracting Officer unless waived
in writing, and no equipment shall be shipped until it has been approved
for shipment by the Contracting Officer. The Contractor shall notify the
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