Class: [__].
Form: [___].
Accuracy: +/- 1.0 percent. Finish: Class II.
Kilowatt-hour Register: 5 digit electronic programmable type.
Demand Register:
Provide solid state.
Meter reading multiplier:
Indicate multiplier on meter face.
Demand interval length: shall be programmed for [15][30][60]
minutes with rolling demand up to six subintervals per interval.
Meter fusing: Provide a fuse block mounted in the metering compartment
containing one fuse per phase to protect the voltage input to the
watthour meter. Size fuses as recommended by the meter manufacturer.
Special Programming Instructions: [____].]
Electro-mechanical Watthour Meters
NOTE: On bases that employ Energy Monitoring and
Control Systems (EMCS) and monitor each building
individually, add the following to this paragraph:
"Provide watthour meter with a three-wire,
single-pole double-throw, quick-make, quick-break
pulse initiator. Coordinate pulse output ratio with
NEMA C12.10. Kilowatt-hour meters shall be transformer rated, polyphase,
60 Hz, semiflush mounted, drawout or semidrawout switchboard meters for use
on a four-wire wye, three-phase system. Kilowatt-hour meters shall be [two
and one-half][three]-stator.[ Totalizing kilowatt-hour meters shall be
four-stator, two-circuit. For totalizing meters, provide devices and
equipment required to provide single point metering of real power and
five-dial pointer type register and shall be secondary reading. Register
ratio shall be selected to provide a meter reading multiplier of even
hundreds after applying the product of the current transformer ratio and
the potential transformer ratio. Indicate the meter reading multiplier on
the meter face. The kilowatt-hour meter shall have a [sweep
hand][cumulative] type KW demand register with 15-minute interval
conforming to IEEE C12.4.
UL 1437 for [surface][semiflush] mounting. Chart speed shall be [_____] mm
[_____] inches per [hour][minute] and chart drive motor shall be rated
[240][120][120/240] V, 60 Hz. The instrument shall have a full scale
accuracy of one percent.
Instrument Transformers
IEEE C57.13, as applicable.
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