ground rod at each fixed gate post and at each corner post.] Drive ground
rods until the top is 305 mm 12 inches below grade. Attach a No. 4 AWG
copper conductor, by exothermic weld to the ground rods and extend
underground to the immediate vicinity of fence post. Lace the conductor
vertically into 305 mm 12 inches of fence mesh and fasten by two approved
bronze compression fittings, one to bond wire to post and the other to bond
wire to fence. Each gate section shall be bonded to its gatepost by a 3 by
25 mm 1/8 by one inch flexible braided copper strap and ground post clamps.
Clamps shall be of the anti-electrolysis type.
Special Conditions
During the construction of duct banks and underground structures located in
streets, the streets shall remain open to traffic. Plan and execute the
work to meet this condition. At locations where duct banks cross railroad
tracks and the work requires closing of the tracks, secure permission from
the Contracting Officer for each track closure.
Earthwork for Utilities
Section 02300 EARTHWORK.
Reconditioning of Surfaces
Unpaved Surfaces
Restore to their original elevation and condition unpaved surfaces
disturbed during installation of duct [or direct burial cable]. Preserve
sod and topsoil removed during excavation and reinstall after backfilling
is completed. Replace sod that is damaged by sod of quality equal to that
removed. When the surface is disturbed in a newly seeded area, re-seed the
restored surface with the same quantity and formula of seed as that used in
the original seeding.
Paving Repairs
NOTE: Where paving repairs are a very minor part of
project, the first bracketed paragraph may be used;
otherwise, use the second bracketed paragraph and
include other sections as needed (also include
necessary cutting and patching details on the
NOTE: Insert appropriate Section number and title
in the blank below using format per UFC 1-300-02.
Where trenches, pits, or other excavations are made in existing roadways
and other areas of pavement where surface treatment of any kind exists [,
restore such surface treatment or pavement the same thickness and in the
same kind as previously existed, except as otherwise specified, and to
match and tie into the adjacent and surrounding existing surfaces.] [Make
repairs as specified in Section [02752 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT
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