[Service] [Secondary] cables shall be [aluminum] [copper], [triplex]
[quadruplex] with cross-linked polyethylene insulation on the phase
conductors. Neutral shall be bare [ACSR] [aluminum alloy] [hard drawn
copper] and shall be the same size as the phase conductors unless otherwise
indicated. Cables shall conform to [NEMA WC 70][ and ][NEMA WC 71] for
cross-linked polyethylene insulation.
ASTM A 475, [high-strength] [extra-high strength], Class A or B, galvanized
strand steel cable. Guy strand shall be [_____] mm inch in diameter with a
minimum breaking strength of [_____] Newton pounds. Provide guy
terminations designed for use with the particular strand and developing at
least the ultimate breaking strength of the strand.
Vinyl or PVC material, [white] [yellow] colored, 2440 mm 8 feet long and
shatter resistant at sub-zero temperatures.
Guy Attachment
Thimble eye guy attachment.
NOTE: Complete guy-anchor assembly shall provide
strength conforming to IEEE C2 for the grade of
construction of the line. In areas of extremely
high chemical activity of the soil, anchor rods and
ground rods shall be completely encased in concrete
to point 100 mm 4 inches above finished grade.
Anchors shall be a special unit to be indicated.
Anchors shall be [plate] [screw] anchors [presenting holding area indicated
on drawings as a minimum]. Anchor rods shall be [twin] thimble-eye, [19]
[25] mm diameter by 2440 mm [3/4] [one] inch diameter by 8 feet long.
Anchors and anchor rods shall be hot dip galvanized.
Screw Anchors
NOTE: For LANTNAVFACENGCOM projects normally use
screw type anchors. Provide Newton pound rating and
leave out "[fitting Class 6000]."
Screw type [swamp] anchors having a manufacturer's rating [of not less than
[_____] Newton pounds in loose to medium sand/clay soil, Class 6] [at least
equal to rating indicated] and extra heavy pipe rods conforming to ASTM A
53/A 53M, Schedule 80, and couplings conforming to ASME B16.11, [fitting
Class 6000.]
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