Uninterrupted Transfer
The static bypass transfer switch shall automatically cause the bypass ac
power source to assume the critical load without interruption when the
bypass control logic senses one of the following conditions and the UPS
inverter output is synchronized to the bypass ac power source:
Inverter overload exceeds unit's rating.
Battery protection period is expired and bypass is available.
Inverter failure.
Interrupted Transfer
If an overload occurs and the UPS inverter output is not synchronized to
the bypass ac power source, the UPS inverter output shall current-limit for
200 milliseconds minimum. The inverter shall then turn off and an
interrupted transfer to the bypass ac power source shall be made. If the
bypass ac power source is beyond the conditions stated below, an
interrupted transfer shall be made upon detection of a fault condition:
Bypass voltage greater than plus or minus 10 percent from the UPS
rated output voltage.
Bypass frequency greater than plus or minus 0.5 Hz from the UPS
Phase differential of ac bypass voltage to UPS output voltage
greater than plus or minus 3 degrees.
Manual Transfer
It shall be possible to make a manually-initiated static transfer from the
system status and control panel by turning the UPS inverter off.
Automatic Uninterrupted Forward Transfer
The static bypass transfer switch shall automatically forward transfer,
without interruption after the UPS inverter is turned "on", or after an
instantaneous overload-induced reverse transfer has occurred and the load
current has returned to less than the unit's 100 percent rating.
Forced Transfer
The control logic circuitry shall provide the means of making a forced or
reverse transfer of the static bypass transfer switch on an interrupted
basis. Minimum interruption shall be 200 milliseconds when the UPS
inverter is not synchronized to the bypass ac power source.
Overload Ratings
The static bypass transfer switch shall withstand the following overload
2000 percent of UPS output rating for two cycles.
200 percent of UPS output rating for 5 minutes.
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