(3) Floor Plan Graphics: Provide a single graphic for each
floor, unless the graphic will contain more information than can
reasonably be shown on a single graphic. Each heating or cooling
zone within a floor plan shall have a zone name and its current
temperature displayed within the zone outline. Show each
controlled variable in the zone. Provide visual warning for each
point in alarm.
(4) Mechanical System Graphics: Provide two-dimensional drawings
to symbolize mechanical equipment; do not use line drawings. Show
controlled or sensed mechanical equipment. Each graphic shall
consist of a single mechanical system; examples are a graphic for
an air handling unit, a graphic for a VAV box, a graphic for a
heating water system, and a graphic for a chiller system. Place
sensors and controlled devices associated with mechanical
equipment in their appropriate locations. Place point name and
point value adjacent to sensor or controlled device. Provide
visual warning of each point in alarm. Point values shall update
dynamically on the graphic.
Graphic Editing: Full capacity as provided by a draw software
package shall be included for operator editing of graphics.
Graphics may be created, deleted, modified, and text added.
Provide capability to store graphic symbols in a symbol directory
and import these symbols into graphics. A minimum of 256 colors
shall be available.
Dynamic Point Editing: Provide full editing capability for
deleting, adding, and modifying dynamic points on graphics.
Trending: Trend data shall be displayed graphically, with control
variable and process variable plotted as functions of time on the
same chart. Graphic display of trend data shall be internal to
the workstation software and not resulting from download of trend
data into a third-party spreadsheet program such as Excel, unless
such transfer is automatic and transparent to the operator, and
the third-party software is included with the workstation software
package. At the operator's discretion, trend data shall be
plotted real time.
NOTE: The notebook computer is designed to allow
HVAC mechanics to monitor all points, modify
computer is not required, consider specifying
manufacturer's hand held interface device or LCD
display with keypad.
Maintenance Personnel Interface Tools
Provide a notebook computer for field communication with the digital
controllers. In addition to changing setpoints, and making operational
changes, field personnel shall be able to[ upload, modify, and] download
programs with the notebook computer.
Notebook Computer
Provide notebook computer, necessary software, carrying case, and
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